
>Saturday, October 28, 2006


i'm too lazy to write about today kayes?

so the only thing is...


my sweet childhood love
7:26 PM

>Thursday, October 26, 2006

today ah...

my class 6H watched 'I Not Stupid Too'.
the front part was fine..but the don't know whose father was always the part that made me SAD!
he WORRIES too much about he's son but he's son just don't know and always scold him..TILL the part where he's father knocked his head on the stairs while fighting for him.SO SAD!than he entered the hospital and blahblahblahs.
and at the ending when his father DIED,i CRIED like crazy!
i mean,

A: no right?

wahhhs!what a LOVING father!

after school..

went to seven eleven (7-11) to wait for jillian and germaine.
stupid germaine SUDDENLY said that she is going to watch MOVIE with her 'J' class friends.HEY!I BOOKED HER TO GO OUT WITH ME FIRST LORRS!grr!her cloths were with me so i was like.ADD EXTRA WEIGHT ONLY...hahars.

jillian and i misses the condo bus so we took the SBS bus to J8.

than we went to find something..SECRET!
than took LOADS AND LOTS of neoprints.NICE!show you them in school.yay!
than i bought a DAMN thick white hairband.and we ate lunch at MOS BURGER and than went to MACDONALD'S to eat ice cream.

than we took the condo bus back to my house and than she she walk home from there.

the funniest thing was that when we were waiting for the bus,at the taxi stand we saw something that wrote

ok.that made me laugh like crazy when we saw people cycling pass.hahars

my sweet childhood love
5:08 PM

>Wednesday, October 25, 2006

i felt bored....

so i went to look up for some goong pictures and guess what...they showed me TOM YUM GOONG....i was like.err???hahars!

hehes.one more?hahars.(fighting...ok,not really lars)

my sweet childhood love
5:50 PM


actually,the 'G' class cheated lehs.

the story...[diaos!]

i went down with the girls for the CPC.but i didn't play larrs.THE!so..Blahblahblahs...

than the first round we got 5:5
second round is ?:?
ok..the second round i wasn't really listening.so i forgot but the 'G' class won...bleahx!than tan jia hui say that one girl while playing she run with the ball.where can like that one?SO ANGRY!

my sweet childhood love
4:50 PM

>Monday, October 23, 2006


this month have alot of holidays horrs?
hahars.broken english.

today is another holiday.SO BORING!

lets talk about yesterday.

i forgot to look at the captains ball thingy for the captains.[erm,i am the captain of 6H.(argh!)]

as i was early for school,i saw faith running to me asking about the captains ball game if it was today.than i froze for a second and then i went 'oh yah horrs,SHIT lah.mr tan surely scold me one!'because of the 9 girls that were playing the game,only one wore it.and that was faith!than for the whole silent reading i was thinking like how to tell mr tan a good excuse for the 8 of them not wearing their PE t-shirt.

GOOD THING i did not tell.
as because,after the pledge,they announced..'the soccer match and the captains ball game would be prosponed to wednesday'

at the time,if was like 'wheeeee!'.

my sweet childhood love
8:47 PM

>Friday, October 20, 2006

READ THIS...the chat thingy of me.......

leonard lee says:who that person in ur display pictureandreleonard lee says:that guyfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:my frenleonard lee says:u got so big frendfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:suai ge lehfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:lolleonard lee says:he looks lie ganster siaWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:haharsWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:still sayleonard lee says:loomslike pai kiaWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:YAYfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:he is..from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:in poly nowWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:haleonard lee says:i tink my bro suksWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:still look lyk small boyfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:yfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:yafrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:hes fatfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:like ufrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:shubby boiifrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:chubbyWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahaleonard lee says:whos fatleonard lee says:my bro and ur that frendfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:erm..from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ur broleonard lee says:who u reffering tooWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:..leonard lee says:ah yahWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahasleonard lee says:my whole family fatleonard lee says:except my momWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahafrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:O.O O
leonard lee says:cos my father loves good food and we all follow himWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ur fathers genes damn strong lohleonard lee says:agreefrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:yea like fincentfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:machoWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahasfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:his arms bigger than mineleonard lee says:..............from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:than ursWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:...leonard lee says:andre wats ur weightleonard lee says:diffreint senariofrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:45leonard lee says:sure ehavy deleonard lee says:cos muscle is heavier than fatWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:waohWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:so heavy ah from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:45 only..WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:u look lighter than thatfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:fincent more machofrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:52 kgleonard lee says:that siao likeWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:i 10 kg lighter leonard lee says:lolfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:MACHO KING KONGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:WTF?leonard lee says:i going beat him liaofrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:35?from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:u?from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:35?WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:yeahWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahasfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:U???from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:35?WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:yahWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:y from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:THIRTY - FIVE?!leonard lee says:i 50.8kg liaoleonard lee says:beat my momWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:W.H.Yleonard lee says:my mom only 50.4from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:o.O?WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ANDRE WHY leonard lee says:but sure 1 i evry week put on 200 tp 4oogleonard lee says:if i eat buffer is about 500g\from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:buffer?leonard lee says:yupleonard lee says:i msell like a crab nowfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:wats buffer?leonard lee says:cos i just eat chilli crableonard lee says:alot type lahleonard lee says:seafood my favourtiefrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:like u can eat as much as u wan?leonard lee says:deWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahaWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:buffer.from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFET LAleonard lee says:put now i bohua liao must pay adult farefrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFER....from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFET!
WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFETfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFETleonard lee says:but i still will cheat time 11 plusfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFETWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERleonard lee says:whats wrongfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:buffet la..WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERleonard lee says:u seems so shcok about thatword???WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERleonard lee says:..........WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:HAHAAfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFETWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GO CHECK THE DAM DICTIONARYWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:BUFFERleonard lee says:r u mad??buffet buffetWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:I KNOW LAHleonard lee says:nvmleonard lee says:spelling wrong onlyWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:I COPY NERDS ONE LAHSfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUFFET LAWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:yaleonard lee says:spelling wrong onlyWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:i knowWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:LOLleonard lee says:.........from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:LOfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:LOLfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:CHECK from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:THEfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:DICleonard lee says:kk i m stupudfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:TIOfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:NARWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:LoLfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Yfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ITfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ISfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:BUfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:FFETleonard lee says:my english suks anywayWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:gdnWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:sjtgWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ryWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:dbbrnuWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:myrsdWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ftrgbtgWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:nteleonard lee says:..........WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:dWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:wrgbWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hnhtleonard lee says:hudiuhiddWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:netgrwegWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:rbrgWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:b WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:vesrWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:vgrrtfWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hgrthehWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ehgwegeWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hghWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:wWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says: WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:aWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:aWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:O.oWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:aWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:aWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:rWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:sfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:I ADD IN HORfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:FWfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Gfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:WGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Sfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Gfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:WSGWfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:EGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SGleonard lee says:whow gapez i didnt know u know hw to talk alien laugageWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:sbrsyrieyhewaeelvheerwgijrtvfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Sfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Sfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GSfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Gfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SDfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SDGSfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GWfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:EGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:WEfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:W3Tfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ERfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Ufrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:76T UKfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:TGYSDHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:TJDGSRGDHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:DGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Dfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GDFGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:DERJHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Dfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Rfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SAGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:DRHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:EWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:YAY]WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:CORRECTfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Gfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Rfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ESfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HYfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ERHGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RSHGESfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HDfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HDfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:DHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Dfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hleonard lee says:pro profrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:EHJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Wfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HYEfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Efrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:AWFfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:DJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Efrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Gfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SRGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:YJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:EHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:TRfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Jfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Yfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Wfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GDfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:JRfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Jfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ERfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:TYJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ERfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:JHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RTJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RFTJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Rfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Jfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RJTfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RFfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:JJJFfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Gfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GFSfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Gfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HGfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:DEfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Hfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Rfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HRfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Jfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:RJfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HWfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Jfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Rfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:YREWfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HUfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ETfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Jfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ffrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:AFfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GTHY ERfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:EDRY RY from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:ERfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Rfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:GWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:vegewfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SRHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Wfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:SWHfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says: SHBfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:EDWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:gvfttnjyhufWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:sefrgtghbyfnWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:awzfrb nleonard lee says:buffer buf ffer fferfutWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:tada!WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahasleonard lee says:finally tok human laugageWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:really leonard lee says:i toku change into an alienWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:vgsrnbWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:eragvrtgnjhnmleonard lee says:............................WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ws hbhfntfdWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ehbrtn bvWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:esrtgyrefv 4thg rtWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:rhthrtjyWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says: rjhtysd 56yjed leonard lee says:yup ideed tarsform into a alien no doubt of thatfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:Q33 NYWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahaWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:awvfgsdbWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:bvi ureeWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says: yrt uyhtjhbt yfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:I AM AN ALIENWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says: rttthgfvbhtkj WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says: reefdrhbytnjytleonard lee says:............................................WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:I AM AN ALIEN...leonard lee says:hmmmWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:andre said thatleonard lee says:i know what can turn u abck into humanfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:why would xue yu like an alien? i wonder..WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahaWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:dun make me laugh lahleonard lee says:1 more timeiu tok alien means u like pang xue yuWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:...leonard lee says:i tihink thats the only wayfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:lolleonard lee says:yup riteleonard lee says:the only curefrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:quiet leWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:Q33 NYWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:a3ewrzftgas4uyh You have just sent a Nudge! WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:shs4ter y56eWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ey56juukdWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:waitleonard lee says:wha u relailike pang xue yuWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:how did i send the nudge leonard lee just sent you a Nudge! WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says: from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. just sent you a Nudge! WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:huhWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:af veawr yb4trh tyesdbnjtetymkjyeleonard lee says:i can send alot at 1 goleonard lee says:use acWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:yeah] leonard lee just sent you a Nudge! You have just sent a Nudge! leonard lee just sent you a Nudge! You have just sent a Nudge! from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:u do that monday i slap ur faceWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:who leonard lee says:whow u dare ahWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahaleonard lee says:me or ehrfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:i dareleonard lee says:me orherWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:ehr from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:LEONARDleonard lee says:her ritefrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:LEEleonard lee says:idiotfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:JUNfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:HAOWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahafrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:i idiot u bastardleonard lee says:wat si andre full nameleonard lee says:andre teo leonard lee says:andre teo wat yahleonard lee says:andre teo si yongfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:wat yah? wat shit is that?leonard lee says:ah yahleonard lee says:i xi guan get slap liaoleonard lee says:today i get slap 10 timesfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:then i kick ur assleonard lee says:by ian nahtis kennth kwan haoleonard lee says:.............leonard lee says:i only lazy to beta them lohfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:beta?WHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:hahaleonard lee says:beatfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:PFFFFFfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:u beat ian lafrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:me and darius will find uleonard lee says:u lah gang with hinleonard lee says:u tink i dare ebat himWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:STOP SENDING FOR A WHILE PLEASEfrom the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:u say u lazy mahleonard lee says:i tell teacher aslo no useWHERE IS MR CHEEKY MONKEY??? says:OIleonard lee says:i beat him bak aslo no useleonard lee says:wat can i do??leonard lee says:andre the sportname game

from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell
from the time we're past infancy, we're taught 2 conceal our real feelings, to cover up our hatred and fears.. says:?

sorry lahs...i very lazy to put properly...try reading though.

my sweet childhood love
10:35 PM


i found a new way for playing my violin!kayes.you see,i sit down when i play the violin so this time i added in a little ballet in it!LOL!

here's what i did...
i sat down trying to do split so i thought...i can't do split so since i am sitting down playing the violin,why don't i try making my split bigger and slowly into a straight line!hahars

so now,i had only manage to split more than 90 degrees...ermm.around 120 degrees?hahars


my sweet childhood love
9:04 PM


STUPID maths test we had today!mr tan said that today is like maths day or something so i was like ??? got such things meh?hahars

so yeah!...i got like only 4/10 ??? MAN!i failed!hahars.WHO CARES though!

my sweet childhood love
5:17 PM

>Thursday, October 19, 2006

hmm...i really find this picture or should i say comic pretty interesting and CUTE!hahars

but it is funny though!
it doesn't load the other pictures that i took!grrr!

my sweet childhood love
9:12 PM

gonna add some new songs to my list ks?


my sweet childhood love
12:14 AM

>Monday, October 16, 2006


ok..here is my sunday's post ks?

i went to church again and a BIG surprise was waiting for me!THAT WAS MEI YI!my darlin' jie!she changed so much!the last time we both met and saw each other was like 1 year ago!love her!

my email add for friendster is d@nce.withme

ehh.YESTERDAY's post

my family and i went to take FAMILY PORTRAIT!
we took many picture and spent 6 HOURS at the studio!cool yeah?so while waiting,my sis and i took lots of pictures and to be right,we took 154 PICTURES!
i wanna show you some but the blogger pictures thingy just don't allow me to!GRRR!

my sweet childhood love
12:20 PM

>Friday, October 13, 2006


i went to the esplanade with my two sistas.but we had to take a train to raffles city first and walk all the way there to watch a BALLET concert.by the Russian dancers.the title of the ballet concert is 'RED GISELLE' nice right?read this..it is from the book ... the last part..

'She tries to lose herself in the merriment of gay Paris.But the ghosts of her past continue to pursue her.The red flashbacks of the revolution,appearing as the Chekist in nightmarish inundation,do not give her peace.Nor can she forget herself in her favorite role as Giselle,in which the ballerina always stunned audiences and won world fame.Giselle's fate-betrayal by her beloved and eventual madness-awaits her too.Mirrors reflect the morbid consciousness of the ballerina.Madness seems to hold salvation,in the world beckoning from the other side of the mirror.'

my sweet childhood love
11:19 PM

>Monday, October 09, 2006

YES!me is flying like a butterfly now!YAY!


reasons of why i call her CHICKENFACE...
-say chickenface in chinese
-what does it sound like?

so to JIA WEI...
happy now?

heh...i've just blogged ks?

my sweet childhood love
9:44 AM

>Thursday, October 05, 2006

english was easy peasy.
maths was HORRIBLE for section C.

i'm changing my aim again after looking at the points that i must be able to get to enter PLMGS. so high!240+!i mean NO WAY!


to see others schools,the website is


my sweet childhood love
2:35 AM

>Monday, October 02, 2006

ok...two more daysss..

fine..my mum had been shouting like CRAZY.she went nag nag nag!good thing now she just went out to buy food if not i can't use the computer!

my sweet childhood love
11:52 AM

>Sunday, October 01, 2006

HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!(ok.. this time it is the REAL one)

yesyesyes!the first blog of the month!ohyah.haha!just three more days and the PSLE would start and eight more days i'll be as free as a butterfly!whee!ok.now i think my aim is PLMGS.it is quite ok and isn't too high to aim for as a girls school right?

so i gotta go now!anyways,DID YOU HEAR THE BELL AT 12 PM?

my sweet childhood love
1:08 AM

ai tong school
7 july 1994

pencil case
bag (any kinda bag..eg,sling bag,school bag)

disloyal people

fail no subjects
all my LOVES in [LOVED.]