
>Saturday, September 30, 2006

i've just changed to blogger beta..actually,i've got no idea of whats the difference!and thank goodness i came home in time as it is gonna rain anytime.

TODAY...i walked home with jia wei,bing hua and myself.jia wei reached home faster so we two walked in the so called rain.then we met one ah ma holding one umbrella and then when we alked pass,she asked how to go to ang moi kio in chinese is hong miao qiao..so i was ermm..where is that place.then bing say is it ang moi kio then i was like oh yah..maybe.then i say take the bus from the opposite bus-stop.because i always go for tuition by that way to ang moi kio so i know!YAY!so clever right?then as i was reaching home, i saw another old lady and i was OH NO!don't tell me another one because she was holding an umbrella too and standing there.good thing when i walked pass she did not ask anything as if not i'll be like so siao!so yeah thats all!

my sweet childhood love
12:08 AM

>Friday, September 29, 2006

HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!!(i mean the day when we celebrate the school's children's day)

yeah...haha.today,the celebration wasn't very interesting though but when mr low.mr sim....was dancing some stupid songs,for that i really agree it was kinda crazy.


recess time..the school canteen was selling some of the 70's to 80's food like the ice ball(many people bought it),popcorn(it's so normal!),cotton candy and blah blah blah.


then it was mr tan's period then mdm han's period.then during mdm han's period.the dentist called me down.POOFF!what a RELIEF!haha.then i plucked my DARLING tooth out i'll show you the picture but it is kinda blurr.

then i went up to mr tay's class because got one boy from he's class need to go to the dentist and i still can remember what mr tay said clearly! he went 'Desmond!Your children's day present!'haha!you should understand what he meant by that!

my sweet childhood love
11:15 PM

>Thursday, September 28, 2006

today was a funny day in school!VERY!indeed.

because during chinese period was horribly crazy ok?!?it was like because faith was drawing BUTTS again so we started to laugh so crazy again and then alex started drawing a comic of ** *** ***.so yeah..it was a so called funny comic about something.so yeah.then ** *** *** walked pass him so he started rubing then i said don't rub so i covered but he didn't know that my hand was there so he continued rubbing.YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN HOW HARD THE FRICTION WAS ON MY HAND FROM THE RUBBER K?then soon it started bleeding a little but it was ONLY A SMALL CUT.so ok lah.not say very pain or what.

YAY!tomorrow is gonna be childrens day...SO HAPPY!but yet,i feel so SAD!it is gonna be my last children day in AI TONG SCHOOL!ohh..i'm so gonna miss the people from my class,ex class.

my sweet childhood love
8:44 PM

>Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i'm sneeking onto the computer again.ok...too SAD!the two skirts were too small for me so i decided to buy OP skirt instead.they are both minis so i'm fine with it!haha.todays chinese,leonard had to read one paragraph of the chinese text book that mean a little of one chapter so there was one part where he said 100+1=101,99+2=101,98+3=101... ... and then so altogether there are how many 101's and yeah..the rest very long winded.so funny!then faith started drawing her butt on the paper so yes!it was like TOTALLY CRAZY!haha

my sweet childhood love
9:08 PM

>Tuesday, September 26, 2006

itsn't today a very nice day?

ok..but morning was real boring k..we went through english-synthesis and science(from the answer sheet).hah.than we went for recess and i didn't really eat because i wanna save $$$ for something!

after recess,was mr tan's period again.than it was mdm han's period and it was real boring too so i started drawing star while she wrote some stuff on the board for us to copy.MAN,WASN'T I SEEING STARS!i drew more than 200 i think!then faith started to joke around and do all kinda funny things.(i was crazy at that moment too)then faith used her glittery pen (aka shiny) to draw on her pin.then she asked me to hold it and guess what!she played a prank-trick on me!ahhh!so,i laughed even more.she did it to bing,colin,binhui,leonard,alwin...it was crazy!and the whole class wasn't as noisy as the other days because jing kang did not come.so thats all that happened in school!

my sweet childhood love
1:49 PM

>Monday, September 25, 2006

YAWNS! ('O')

i'm feeling super duper tired tonight!i was doing my work just now when i almost fell asleep!haha!what a joke!

i went to faith's house today to pass her her homework.someone that opened the door (not her mum) said that she is very ill!><>

SNORTS SNORTS!..so tired!

my sweet childhood love
8:25 PM

>Sunday, September 24, 2006

sniffsniff.ohh the house smells so nice today.it seems like as if my mum washed the whole house with soap!haha!today i did not go to church and thats obvious!if not i won't be here blogging!

and i can't wait till after PSLE because i'm gonna see my long lost friend again!YAY!i so miss her!and i tried to REPUBLISH the same ice angel skin but it doesn't change back to how it supposed to be!grrr!

here's another picture that my sis designed!

like it?haha.

and man!i was studing this whole morning ever since 9.30am and i only get a 30 minutes break!is this life!><>

my sweet childhood love
12:56 PM

>Saturday, September 23, 2006

OUCHHHh!ohh!my foot hurts!i was just trying out some complicated steps from ballet when i was jumping,guess what!my left foot landed on 1 quater of my right foot!at first it was bruised but now it is just red but whenever i tip-toe,it still have the painful feeling!below got two pictures of Princess Hours aka goong.

haha!sooo FUN!

i envy the princess!YES!envy!


my sweet childhood love
9:35 PM

>Friday, September 22, 2006

woahh..you just gotta admit it!this is my first so long lasting blog i made that i used for sooo long!haha.just one more week and it would be over!yay!but cannot get too excited!because my mum say i over confident.ok.MAYBE!but yeah,i think i shall not aim too high so PLMGS?or maybe mixed school like ang mo kio secondary or deyi.like faith.BUT,TRY MY BEST.awww.that thing is still in my head!guess what faith said about it!it is i ---- ---- ------.heehee!><

my sweet childhood love
7:46 PM

>Thursday, September 21, 2006

ARE YOU THE ONE?ARE YOU THE ONE?ARE YOU THE ONE!!!!!what a dream.BUT SOOO SWEET!awwwww.if you wanna knowit,ask me personaly*..is that the way to spell it?oh.faith is going to suzhou..100%.there is only 5 going there.xinyun,yinhui,jiawen,adrienne and faith.only 4 share one room so they say they kick her out!hahah.YAY!so proud one.today,madam han was on FIRE!so ..... try figuring out that word.though,it is not a bad word!it seems like lots of people like the two skirts yeah?DON'T THEY JUST ROCK?

my sweet childhood love
4:09 PM

>Tuesday, September 19, 2006

my name...IS SO NICE!!!

heh!love it!my friend said that after PSLE she wanna go malaysia with her friends (me)!yay!so i told her after PSLE than i answer!sooo excited!faith is going to stay in the same condo as me next month!block 22 #09-04!hmm..i think so!but she say she wanna go suzhou* ithink it is spelled that way..then me?i doubt i wanna go!

so irritating! (-.-)" grr!i want her to SLEEPOVER!that would be like..SO FUN?!?anyway,can you help me choose between these two skirts?i like them both but i'm only buying one so?!?WHICH ONE!they are both minis!so NICE!

this one?

or this one?

my sweet childhood love
1:42 PM

>Sunday, September 17, 2006

HEYS!can you see something under my tagboard?it is to show how many times people like you guys have entered!haha!make one too.got it from...hmm.can't remember but just click on it and you will be able to enter that web!

HA!can you see my sister?the one with blue spectacles!hmm..maybe you can't see it yeah?then the one in ORANGE!haha.LOOK AT THIS!I HATE THEM BUT I GOTTA EAT THEM EVERY MORNING!>.<


my sweet childhood love
9:20 PM

>Saturday, September 16, 2006

changed my skin again!haha!MAN DOESN'T IT ROCKS?maybe i'm a little too crazy about skins yeah...but can't help it!this is my second ice angel skin.her skins all rawks!but this is the nicest one to me!though i like my old one before this...wahhx.PSLE listening comprehiension wasn't as freaky as i thought!anyway the atmosphere for the PSLE is slowly coming!haha!it felt COOL!man!i'm totally OUT OF MY MIND!how about ballet?YAY!SHE SAID I"VE GOT STRONG LEG!haha.good work grace!ermm..that good work grace was something that i added myself!haha.

my sweet childhood love
10:26 PM

>Thursday, September 14, 2006

HEYS!know what?i'm getting sake of transfering my blog story you know?it is SOOO tiring!haha.hmm..tomorrow is gonna be one of my biggest day ever for this year and for many more!I UNDERSTAND!listening comprehiension right?they would start something like 'YEAR 2006 PRIMARY SCHOOL LEAVING EXAMINATION...' haha!i'm soooooo EXCITED!wishing you all the best for it yeah!haha!sooo cool!DOUBT I CAN SLEEP TONIGHT!haha!XD

my sweet childhood love
9:46 PM

>Saturday, September 09, 2006

yay!just tomorrow!i'm gonna see daddy again.you know that MMR?yups!ANYWAY...MR ANONYMOUS.JUST TAG AGAIN!I'M NOT SCARED!I'M GONNA BLOCK YA TILL YOU CAN"T SEE YOUR ASS!'DONKEY IN ANOTHER SENSE IF YOU DON"T KNOW!'U ARE SOOO SICK MINDED!trust me!nothing good will happen yeah?!anyway.back to where i was OHH!THANK YOU MY FRIENDS!ennette.xin yun.ruby!haha.yeah!going back to school on Monday!miss the fun eh?!?!

my sweet childhood love
3:55 PM

>Wednesday, September 06, 2006

fine like bubbles!the ending was as sweet as sugar (:!watch it and fall in love :D haha Princess Kiko is pregnant with a baby boy!the new going to be prince i think.MAN!she's so blessed-lucky to be a princess of japan!anyway...a question for you guys!Q:how do you read 'foamsandbubbles'?i've got no idea!to me, i'll read it as 'foams and bubbles' but some may read it as foam sand bubbles'!so how about you?hmmm,whats your dream school?its ok if you know you can't get in but it is the school that you like a always wanna go to?mine is SNGS though last time i didn't like that school but after knowing more girls from there(like Nicole Yau), i thought that it wasn't as bad as i thought!one of my friends dream is higher-bigger-harder than mine!she got 230+/300 for her last examination and she wanna go RGS!for her school,just 200 and they would allow their own school pupils to enter their secondary school-SCGS!for my prelims,i only got about 209/300!able to enter express but ahhh!at least give me 225!that would be good enough!

my sweet childhood love
8:30 PM

>Monday, September 04, 2006

nothing wrong with my blog ok?i mean yes for the picture but my blog is FINE!it is that i put the dates as the old once because i missed them.i usually write it in a book first and when there's time i transfer it over to the computer.haha!still caan remember the way eenette and i became friends.its a long story.she is in raffles girls school-a so dam clever girl who scored all A* for her subjects.one year older than me and from the same ballet school + the same church.tell you more soon! :) * :D * ;) * :D * :P

my sweet childhood love
6:27 PM

>Friday, September 01, 2006

get me this!get me that!yes!i'm mad about that brand!Xl say i'm crazy,say i'm mad haha!my roxy wallet 2 years old and is getting dirty.can someone grt me a new roxy wallet(not green and not tooooo plain)? :Di wanna have their pencil box too!HECK!NO COPING OF BRAND OK?once i got the billabong pencil box,you would see many soon!must watch out of adrienne chew!!!born to be a copy cat and falls in love easilyXD!

my sweet childhood love
4:19 PM

ai tong school
7 july 1994

pencil case
bag (any kinda bag..eg,sling bag,school bag)

disloyal people

fail no subjects
all my LOVES in [LOVED.]